How far away should a 600 watt light be from plants?

It’s one of the questions growers most ask, we get asked it daily, sometimes more than once!

So let’s settle the evergreen question of “How close to put grow lights to my plants?”

Firstly let me start by saying it depends on a few factors such as;

  • Type of light you use (HPS, CFL or LED)
  • Wattage/power of the light you use
  • The temperature just above the canopy of your plants
  • The type of plants you’re growing
  • Amount of vertical space you have available

A good rule of thumb to follow if you’re in doubt is 1-2ft away from the canopy of your plants. Some plants can react strangely to having the light to close whilst others thrive with the light right on top.

It’s too hot to get my light close enough to my plant.

How close can I put my 600w HPS system to my plants?

Taking all of the above into account you should place your HPS system between 12 & 18 inches away from your plant, this is the ideal position. You want to to be close up during the early stages of your plants life to avoid stretching and as they get bigger you can risk having the HPS light a little further away.

What distance should my LED grow light be from my plants?

LED grow lights don’t produce anywhere near as much heat as HPS systems so you can theoretically get them much closer to your plants without running the risk of damaging them. LED lights are more penetrating than HPS lights however different brands of bulbs / kits have different qualities, view angles & coverage areas.

In general you want to place your LED grow light 6-12 inches above your canopy although different manufacturers have different guidance depending on how they are built.

A good rule of thumb to follow when figuring out the distance to put your LED light from your plants is to get them as close as possible without compromising the coverage area and leaving plenty of room for them to grow into.

How far away should I put my CFL grow light from my plants?

CFLs are like LEDs but they are nowhere near as penetrating as HPS or LED lights. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of CFL grow lights and one of the reasons why growers decide to use multiple CFL lights.

Another problem with CFL lights is that they can, will and do burn your plants if they are too close. With this in mind you want to get your grow light as close as possible to penetrate and far enough away so that they don’t burn.

Depending on wattage you should be able to get your CFL: grow light 2-5 inches away from your plants.

What happens if my grow light is too far away from my plants?

If you put your grow light too far away from your plants you can cause much damage. The biggest problem of all is stretching, this is when your plant puts extra effort into growing taller so that it can be nearer the light source.

Because they put all their energy into getting closer to the light they don’t put as much energy into producing fruit, this will lower your yields by as much as 30%, let me repeat, you could be getting 30% less fruit simply because you positioned your grow light to far away!

What happens if my grow light is to close to my plants?

On the flip side you can also cause problems to your plants if the grow light is to close. The obvious problems occur with CFL and HPS lights because of the heat they emit they can easily burn the tops of your plants.

Many growers also report strange or stunted growth when the light source is placed to close to plant.

Best 600W LED grow light

When you’re looking for grow lights, a 600w grow light can bring your growing game to the next level. Look for a full spectrum grow light that will cater towards every stage of growth for your plants.

Whether you’re growing a hobbyist, or for your professional needs, a 600-watt light is the great in-between size.

ECO Farm ECOM 650W SEOUL LED Grow Light Bar

Designed with SEOUL chip, higher light intensity, less light decay, better lumens and PAR values than ordinary leds. It runs at a lower temperature and can bring higher energy conversion and longer life. This grow light is a full-cycle lighting solution for all growing environments including wet situation and is ideal for greenhouse or indoor lighting.

Lower temperature, more scientifically and energy-efficient. Making you get 30% higher yield than HPS.

No fans no noise and waterproof function. Lots of heat sinks and hollow body ensures maximum heat dissipation. No additional fan zero noise. Otherwise, the plant grow light uses advanced waterproof power supply which is installed outside of the light and it is easy to be replaced.

High power, PPFD is evenly distributed, PPFD is higher, suitable for customers with higher lighting requirements.

Scynce LED Raging Kush 690W LED Grow Light

The RAGING KUSH, by Scynce LED, was designed specifically for flowering in vertical farming. Utilizing Scynce’s patented optics for incredible canopy penetration, the Raging Kush was engineered to meet the needs of large horticulture operations. Whether your need is for intensity & scheduling control, high humidity and frequently cleaned environments or maximizing limited space, the Raging Kush is a scalable solution to meet your growing needs.

Scynce's patented optics deliver PPFD via a patented high-angle beam designed to perform in a tent (home growers) or vertical setup (commercial growers).

3 wirelessly tuneable spectrum channels; Cool (6500k), Warm (2700k), and isolated 660nm Red & 720nm Far Red.

Offers spectrum tuning, intensity dimming, scheduling, and cloud storage to save custom light recipes all via your phone or tablet.

Things to consider to Buy 600W Led Light

Great value for grow lights is a combination PAR, intensity, and lifespan. If you have outstanding lights with a full-spectrum, you’ll be sorely disappointed if they only last for a year or so.

When you’re ready to make your final decision, you should rely on your budget and immediate needs for the best light. It’s easy to get caught up in extra features such as dimming, and timers but these aren’t necessary for hobbyists. Now, if you’re a professional looking for a new light, you should be willing to invest in the tools you need for a high-yield and quality potency.

PAR and More

It’s important to consider that your plants need a wide variety of light spectrums, mostly those which stimulate growth or photosynthesis, and those that help them gather and retain nutrients.

A full spectrum light will provide the bands of color within the PAR spectrum. The PAR spectrum refers to the wavelengths between 390nm and 700nm. These light wavelengths and their quality vary between manufacturers.


Some people look for a grow light with a ton of white LEDs believing that it will pierce through the canopy, and help out their plants. But, although a ton of white LEDs looks intense, it’s the wrong kind of intensity.

Because there are no true white LEDs, there’s no advantage to the brilliance you see coming off of some lights. It’s true that typically the brighter a light shine, the more intense it is, but that’s not the deciding factor.

Stay away from anything that claims to have a lot of white light because typically they drag on energy efficiency and are detracting quality light from your plants.


Choosing the best grow light for your plants requires outstanding performance throughout their entire lifecycle. Although very serious, and heavily medicated, growers can afford to purchase various lights to use at different phases of growth, you should look for one that will do the job well.


Cannabis plants capture energy from light and use it to grow bigger buds. In order to maximize your cannabis yields you’ll want to give your plants as much light as possible, but without causing light burn. In other words, you want to increase light levels but without going overboard!

Although this detail is often overlooked, in many cases cannabis growers can increase their yields and potency simply by keeping their grow lights just the right distance from their plants!


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